Friendly City Fourth is rain or shine on July 4th and has a new name in 2019. Check below for the schedule of events, a site map and search to the bottom for a listing of places to park to watch fireworks.
Formerly the Valley Fourth, plan to join in one of Harrisonburg's largest annual events and celebrate with your family and neighbors. The festival is packed with local food and drink, live music, an art market, new and exciting kid’s activities, and an incredible fireworks finale. The festivities kick off at 4pm, but you can still start the day early with the Valley Fourth Run by VA Momentum. Have a happy and safe 4th of July!
FIREWORKS will light up the sky around 9:15!
- Check them out from these recommended viewing areas:
- Turner Pavilion and Park, 228 S. Liberty St–look west!
- Food Maxx International Market, 924 W. Market St.
- JMU Memorial Hall Parking Lots, 395 S. High St.
- Thomas Harrison Middle School, 1311 W. Market St.
- Westside Baptist Church, 715 W. Wolfe St.
- Harrisonburg High School, 1001 Garber’s Church Rd.